Crop | Usage |
Wheat | 1000-2000mg/L, spray at the end of tillering and the beginning of jointing |
Rice | 50%SL 50-100g add 50kg water and spray on stems and leaves |
Corn | 1000-3000mg/L. Spray 3-5 days before jointing, 30-50kg/m² |
Cotton | 30-50mg/L. Spray the whole plant during the early and full flowering stages |
Soybean | 1000-2500mg/L. 50kg/667m², spray during flowering period |
Cucumber | 100-500mg/L. Spray when 3-4 true leaves are open |
Tomato | 500-1000mg/L. Spray at the beginning of flowering period |
Pepper | 20-25mg/L. Spray during the initial flowering period
100-125mg/L. Spray during the flowering period |