Application of Plant Growth Regulators on Turf Grass and Lawns – Bermuda Grass

Bermudagrass is a perennial warm-season turfgrass of the subfamily Teff subfamily of the Poaceae family. Bermudagrass has a fine texture, dark green color, strong regeneration ability, fast turf growth, and resistance to trampling. Bermuda grass generally includes multiple varieties such as ordinary bermudagrass and hybrid bermudagrass. It has strong rhizomes and can form dense turf. It is widely used in golf courses, football fields, parks and courtyards, etc.

Application of plant growth regulators on bermudagrass:

  1. Promote seed germination

Soaking Bermuda bermudagrass seeds in 5 mg/L gibberellic acid solution for 24 hours can significantly promote their germination. In addition, soaking bermudagrass seeds with 1 mg/L gibberellic acid solution for 48 hours can also significantly improve their germination rate and germination potential.

  1. Promote growth and accelerate plate formation

Spraying 50 mg/L gibberellic acid solution on bermudagrass lawns in early May, and spraying again half a month later, can significantly promote the growth of bermudagrass rhizomes, and the leaves become longer and wider, which has a great effect on early lawn formation. In addition, 5mg/L 6-Benzylaminopurine solution was used to spray the bermudagrass lawn. Ten days after spraying, the number of tillers increased significantly and the stolons also elongated. After 20 days, the bermudagrass lawn could still be promoted, and the lawn formation speed was not much higher than that of the bermudagrass lawn. Approximately 10 days after application

  1. Control growth and reduce manual pruning

Spraying bermudagrass lawn with 400 mgL Chlormequat Chloride solution can shorten the length of the main stem and internode, producing an obvious dwarfing effect. It can be used to replace manual pruning, and can increase tillers, improve the quality of the lawn, and make the lawn more resistant to trampling. In addition, in Before and after bermudagrass jointing, foliar spraying with 3000mg/L Chlormequat Chloride solution can significantly inhibit the elongation of main stems and tillering stems, and has obvious dwarfing effect. It can replace manual pruning, reduce lawn management costs, and can also promote tillering. occur in large numbers.

  1. Enhance stress resistance

Foliar spraying of bermudagrass plants with 15 mg/L s-aba solution before winter can improve the plants’ ability to adapt to low temperatures. In addition, spraying dwarf bermudagrass with 5mg/L s-aba solution, 50mg/L Paclobutrazol solution or 10mg/L Uniconazole solution can significantly improve its drought resistance.

  1. Extend the green period

Spraying bermudagrass lawn with 50mg/L or 100mg/L gibberellic acid solution in early November can improve the yellowing in autumn and achieve the effect of extending greening. The effect of spraying twice (with an interval of 1 week) is more significant than spraying only once.

In addition, applying 150mgL gibberellic acid or 1~10mg/L gibberellic acid solution to the bermudagrass lawn in early October can delay the yellowing of the leaves, improve the quality of the lawn, and extend the viewing period. Furthermore, spraying 150mg/L gibberellic acid solution on bermudagrass plants with a stubble height of 3~5cm for 15 days can significantly delay the yellowing of leaves and reduce the number of yellowing leaves in the grass.